Follow These Steps to Get AmpedUp!
These steps assume that you are at an AmpedUp! Networks charging station and you're ready to charge your vehicle. They also assume that you currently do not already have the AmpedUp! EV Driver app or an AmpedUp! EV Driver account. The following steps will guide you through:
Download the AmpedUp! EV Driver App
From your phone's browser, got to
Notice the two sections:
EV Driver or
Charging Station Operator. From the EV Driver section, you'll have the option to select the app store download link that matches your device. Choose the one associated to your device.
Search the app store for the app titled AmpedUp! EV Driver.
Once located, press the download button to download and install the app on your device.
Select the app from your home screen. You'll be introduced to the Sign-in splash screen.
Press the Sign in button.
Create an AmpedUp! Account
From the Sign in screen, press the Sign Up Now button to create a new account.
Enter the requested fields to create a new account, then press the Create button.
Add a Vehicle
An EV Driver account requires a few items set up prior to being able to charge your vehicle. The first item to set up is your vehicle. If there are no vehicles entered, the app will bring you to the Add Vehicle screen.
Enter the requested information that is specific to your EV, then press the Save button on the top right of the screen.
You'll notice a new vehicle in your vehicle list. Note that you can add additional vehicles at any time by pressing the Add button in this screen.
From here, press the Back button to go to the Charging screen.
Enter a Payment Method
Before finding a charger, it make sense to add a payment method to your account in order to pay for the charging session assuming it's not free to charge.
From the hamburger menu at the top right of the screen, choose Payments.
From the Payments screen, choose the Payment Options tab.
Enter a valid credit card, then press the Save button to return to the Charging screen.
NOTE: The first time you charge at a station that is not free, your credit card will be auto-charged an amount indicated in the EV Driver Account Agreement (ie: $15). This amount is a pre-payment of the charging session. As the charging session occurs, this balance will be reduced by the rate the charging station host (owner of the station) wishes to charge (rates can be: per kWh, flat rate, per minute, per hour). Once the balance is reduced to a minimum amount (ie: $5), your credit card will be auto-charged again.
You can view your charging session history and fees under the Payments > History tab.
Find the Charging Station
From the Charging screen, choose the Find Charger button. This will bring you to the My Chargers screen. From there, select the Scan Code tab.
On the physical charging station, you'll notice a QR code and a Charger ID. You can either press the Scan now... button, or enter the Charger ID in the Charger ID entry field. Press the Start button after entering the ID.
If the charger is found, you'll be brought to the Charging page displaying the charger information and the ability to start charging your vehicle.
Charge Your Vehicle
Now the fun begins and you can start charging your vehicle.
Before starting the charging session, you may want to select the Favorites button (heart symbol) toward the top right of the screen. You can also adjust the range slider to reflect the starting range your vehicle's battery is currently at.
From the charging station, choose an available connector and plug it into your vehicle then press the Start Now button.
Choose the charger port (connector) number that you selected to start the charging session.
If you did not plug in the connector yet, a prompt will ask you to do so. Once the connector is plugged in, the dialog will disappear and the charging session will start.
The charging session is now started. Note that it may take a few seconds for the charging session statistics to display on the screen.
Note that the ETA is not exact. The calculation is based on the vehicle battery size and efficiency as well as the range entered in the slider.