Create Memberships for Your EV Driver Customers

Follow These Steps to Create a Membership

Memberships allow EV drivers to get special discounts on EV charging pricing offered by the CSO. An EV driver can use the AmpedUp! EV Driver app to search for memberships, then join them. A membership can be public and searchable (via the app), public and not searchable, or private (a membership code is required).

NOTE: Not all described features are available for Share and Small Biz subscription types.

The following steps assume that you have:

In the following steps, you will learn to:

  • Define a discount schedule
  • Define a membership
  • Apply a membership to a charger or group of chargers
  • Approve a new EV driver member

Define a Discount Schedule

A Discount Schedule is applied to memberships as a way to reduce the pricing rate for an EV driver. Discount schedules are defined independently from memberships so that one discount can be applied across multiple memberships.
From the main navigation menu, choose Subscription, then Discount Schedules. The Discount Schedules screen will be displayed.
From within Discount Schedules screen, choose the Add Discount Schedule button to open the Add Discount Schedule screen.
From here, you can enter the Discount Name and a discount percentage. When complete, press Save.

For the discount name, be sure to provide a name that allows easy identification of the schedule as it will be used later when applying the schedule to a membership.

Define a Membership

Once a discount is defined, a membership can be created that makes use of that discount. Memberships are applied to charging stations. So, EV drivers that join the membership will receive the discount on whatever pricing is set up for a particular charger.
From the main navigation menu, choose Subscription, then Memberships. The Memberships screen will be displayed.
From within Memberships screen, choose the Add Membership button to open the Edit Membership screen.
From within the Edit Membership screen, you will be presented with several entry options. Each are described in the following steps.
Select the Edit Membership Name icon. The Membership Name and Logo dialog will appear.

From here, you can enter the Membership Name, logo, and code that will appear when an EV driver is searching for your membership. Note that the code entered, if provided to the EV driver, will help locate the membership more efficiently. When complete, press OK.

Be sure to enter a meaningful name. Provide a name that allows easy identification of the membership as it will be used later when applying a membership to a charger and, as mentioned, to the EV driver during a search.
The next section of the Edit Membership screen is Enable Membership and Membership Info. You will not be able to enable a membership until certain elements of the membership are populated.

Note: Enabling a membership does not make it available to EV drivers unless the membership is applied to one or more charging stations. Applying a membership to a charging station is explained later in this guide.
The next section of the Edit Membership screen is the Options section. Here, you can choose the Discount Schedule you created in the previous steps.

You can define the Member Expiration which can be never (default) or number of days (enter the number of days).

You can choose the Search Visibility (see how an EV driver searches and joins a membership) which defines how the EV driver will find the membership in the EV Driver app. Available options are public - no approval required where the driver can join without approval and enjoy the membership discount; public - approval required where the driver can search for the membership and join, but then must be approved by the CSO; and private - code required whereby a code must be generated and provided to the driver for entry into the EV Driver app.

If public - approval required is selected, notice the Auto Join Email Validation option will appear. Here, you can enter email domains for those EV drivers that you'd like to automatically join the membership without manual approval. For example, entering will allow anyone with an email address join the membership immediately.

The Available To field will display the contents to the EV driver when they view the details of the membership in the EV Driver app. Here you could enter "employees," "patrons," visitors" or other descriptors that describe who the membership is for.
The next sections of the Edit Membership screen are Locations and Member Message. Enter the applicable location information of the membership. For example, the address of the charging stations. Then, enter any message that you'd like the EV driver to see that describes the membership.

When complete, press the Save button.

Apply a Membership to a Charger or Group of Chargers

Once a membership is created, it needs to be applied to a charger or group of chargers.
To assign a membership to a charger or group of chargers, navigate to the Chargers list screen.
From here, select the chargers you wish to assign the membership (or memberships), then choose the Assign to membership option from the Action dropdown list and press the Go button.

The Assign Chargers to Memberships dialog will appear.
Select one or more memberships to assign to the charger(s), then press the Assign Chargers button.

Note: You can check to ensure the membership is assigned to any given charger by going to the Edit Charger screen of any charger and view its selected memberships.

Similarly, you can unassign a membership in the same fashion by choosing the Remove membership from charger option in the Action dropdown list instead.

Approve a New EV Driver Member

If when defining the membership, the "public - requires approval" option was selected, when an EV driver joins the membership, via the EV Driver app, a CSO account manager will need to approve the driver before the membership becomes active.
From the main navigation menu, choose Notifications. The Notifications screen will be displayed.
To receive notification that an EV driver has joined or has requested to join one or more memberships, enable the Approve new membership and New membership notice options within the Notifications screen.

Press the Save button to save the enabled notice options.
When you receive a notice that a new member has requested membership approval, navigate to the Memberships list screen, then choose the Members icon from the Tools menu. The Membership Members list will appear.
From the Membership Members screen, you will notice members that are highlighted yellow. Those members are the ones in need of approval. In the member's Tool bar, select the Check Mark icon to approve the member, or select the Delete icon to remove them.

Here, you can also pause an existing member from using the membership by selecting to Pause icon in the member's Tool menu. Paused members are highlighted in orange.
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